Granite Park - 53 Minutes (edited)

Ruby Lake at 11,000 feet elevation, above the Little Lakes Valley in the Eastern Sierra Mountains (mono63xy)

Little Lakes Valley in the High Sierra from the Mono Pass trail near Bishop, CA (mono12xy)

Little Lakes Valley, view from the Mono Pass Trail, Eastern Sierra, CA - mono09x

View From Lake Italy

Turning the corner around Mount Starr, leaving the Little Lakes Valley behind, Eastern Sierra, CA - mono23

Blue as blue can be - Ruby Lake above Little Lakes Valley, viewed from 11,500 feet, Eastern Sierra (mono25xy)

Nearing Mono Pass in the Eastern Sierra (mono27)

Eastern Sierra View

Above Tree Line McGee Lake series stereo xv 3d

Mud Lake View

070220 Mono Lake.jpg

Rock Creek Vista

Ruby Lake at 11,000 feet - surrounded by the crest of the Sierra Mountains (mono57xy)

Rock Creek Lake

Little Lakes Valley

After the Storm

Azure-blue Ruby Lake above Little Lakes Valley, viewed from 11,500 feet, in the Eastern Sierra Mountains (mono24xy)

Italy Pass looking eastward

JMT Mile 127 - Skyline

View north from Chickenfoot Lake