High country blizzard

D&RGW Ski Train at Winter Park

looking down the tracks

engelmann peak

Summer Sunset with downhill view.

View from the Summit of Berthoud Pass

Locomotive no. 14, Georgetown Loop Tourist Railroad

Autumn on the Moffat

Rio Grande Zephyr in Hideaway Park, Colorado - 1971

Amtrak in the snow - Hideaway Park, Colorado, 2003

Overlooking - Panorama

Georgetown, Colorado from I-70

Pyramids in Colorado

Greyhound over Berthoud Pass

Moffat Road and the Needle's Eye Tunnel - 1971

fanning shadows

taking breath

Purple Elephant Spires

Crater Mountain

don't stray

Flowing Down

Color at East Portal

Entering the Moffat Tunnel

The Road to Vail

Effusive Summertime

Just A Tad Dirty

Living the Dream

Ethel Lake

Blue Creek Basin

Blowing Snow

Wildflower Meadow

A View of Mountains as Far as the Eye Could See

Hidden Colorado Autumn

South Boulder Creek

St. Mary's Lake

Thunder in the Rockies

rush of silence