Baldcypress - Taxodium distichum
Common Goldeneye on land
Zebra Swallowtail - Eurytides marcellus
Umbrella Magnolia - Magnolia tripetala
Probable Alabama Supplejack - Berchemia scandens
Cypress wetland @ Wheeler NWR
Babbling Brook.
American Beech - Fagus grandifolia
Trees at Wheeler
Baldcypress - Taxodium distichum, 900th posted photo from Wheeler NWR, Decatur, AL
Grass of some sort
purple little flowers
Lowland Loblolly Pine forest
Icy inlet
So how low lying is it?
Autumn's Exit
Boardwalk through bald cypress swamp
Spring woods
The Tennessee
Return to the Big Payoff.
The Big Payoff - Trip 2.
The Big Payoff.
My Favorite Waterfall.
Waterfall with a Flare.
Air Conditioned - Color TV -- No Vacancy