Ubertrip: The Video

A Collection of Deities

*Havasu Falls*

Snow on the Switchbacks up to Hualapai Hilltop - Havasupai

Havasu Creek from trail - Grand Canyon

Leaving Havasu Creek as storm clouds roll in

Switchbacks down from Hualapai Hilltop - Grand Canyon

Leaving Havasu Creek as storm clouds roll in

Distant View Falls, Camp Ground Area - Supai, AZ - Havasupai Indian Rservation Near Grand Canyon National Park - Filename: XR6A1519_20_21 - 4.0 sec at f/13 ISO 640

Rafting Through Upset Rapid Grand Canyon

Mooney Falls and Travertine cliff

Haven't They Filled That In Yet?

Chutes & Ladders - Eric descending Mooney Falls Trail - Grand Canyon

Dawn's early light

Our first view of Havasu falls

View Tower at the Grand Canyon

View from Hualapai Canyon Switchbacks (3)

Havasu Falls


Views at Supai Village.

The Grand Canyon

Canyon Gem

Havasu Falls Landscape

grand canyon lomography

Mooney Falls - Eric shoots the mist - I'm not as crazy (this time)

Havasu Falls on path to campground - Grand Canyon

A pine tree over Grand Canyon

Havasu Falls

Havasu Canyon

Grand Canyon - Viewpoint

Havasu Creek north of Supai Village on path to campground

Below Mooney Falls

Mooney Falls at night

Not the Iconic Grand Canyon

Grand canyon


Grand Canyon, AZ

L'enorme fessura / The enormous gap