route 66. seligman, az. 2007.

Farm, panoramac, Seligman Arizona , Interstate 40.

Long Street View; Historic Route 66 General Store, Seligman, AZ

Route 66 - Arizona

You find yourself wondering

Route 66 2011 0372

Sixty Six Bar Best Motel

2007 27 mei Vakantie USA onderweg naar de Grand Canyon 362.jpg

Route 66 2011 0376

What's your road man?

Hotel signs

Route 66 2011 0366

Route 66 2011 0318

Route 66 2011 0348

Route 66 2011 0312

J&R's Minimart & Deli. Route 66, Seligman

the view

Grand Canyon 2007

Route 66 2011 0364

Route 66 2011 0400

view out bathroom window

Arizona 66

supai motel on route 66. seligman, az. 2015.

supai motel. seligman, az. 2015.

Abandoned Telephone Poles, Seligman, AZ

US - Audley, AZ - ES44DC


Fields of Gold

Behind Delgadillo's Snow Cap in Seligman

The Painted Desert

Historic Route 66 in Arizona


11º dia. Williams a Laughlin. Via Oatman.

Chino Valley, Arizona


Along Hwy 40

Seligman - Route 66

IMG_9302 - 2012-10-14 at 09-38-29

#MonolithGardenTrailhead #AZ #CaveMan

Snowcone in Seligman on Route 66

USA_(Los Angeles) July&August 2014 - 007

[09] Route 66 002