Summer's Last Blooms

First Bird In Flight Shot

My Macro Misery!

Lightning Over Ottawa

Rideau Canal - Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)

Fairmont Château Laurier - Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)

Rideau Canal - Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)

Split your infinities

L apres tempete/After the snow storm

Rideau Canal

Rivière des Outaouais, Canada - 5123

Night View

Forty Seven

Vegetable stand in the Byward Market

Rideau Canal with Ottawa River

Orchid by dawn light

Ottawa Nightscape-2

Oh...The Catnip High

Ottawa Ontario Canada ~ Rideau Hall Gardens ~ Governors General

The former Bourbridge Building in the ByWard Market in Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa Nightscape-3

Dark-eyed junco / junco ardoisé /-dark-eyed junco

Sur la rivière Gatineau

Scène d'automne

Rideau Canal Locks in Ottawa

Reflets d'eau

beautiful sky over Ottawa

Parlament Hill at Fall

Rideau Canal in the Fall

Parliament Hill

Novembre // November

Bruant à gorge blanche Juvénile / White-throated sparrow juvenile

ice sun

Gatineau River- Rivière Gatineau

DSC02391 - Great Sculpture

Hiver précoce!!.../// Early winter!....

Ottawa at night.

After the storm

Sunset at Major's Hill Park

Canada Parliament & Blue Hour

Canadian Aviation and Space Museum, 11 Aviation Parkway, Ottawa, ON