L apres tempete/After the snow storm

Jaune Douceur

Iris and Orton modification

Independance Day, perhaps!!

Alexandria Bridge

A flower to my Flickr friends for the new year/Pour vous mes ami(e)s sur Flickr pour cette nouvelle année

An Intimate Portrait

Glow on the snow

Evening Rooftop Shot

Gatineau River- Rivière Gatineau

Sun Shining Day

don't look

Ottawa at dusk

Throwback Thursday | [005] **Explored**

Up the Ladder

House of Parliament from inside the Peace Tower

1000 Faces of Canada # 0011

Love is a slow kiss goodnight.

Forty Seven

Manduca quinquemaculata

Balises / Beacon


Roof Top Shot

“People who live in glass houses don't have much of a sex life” Tom Best

IMG_1454 (2)


Trunks and Leaves

~ Rideau Canal, Ottawa ~

My Ottawa

Rideau Falls (Ottawa, ON)

beautiful sky over Ottawa

Mosaika: Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill

Ile Kettle

Colors and a Crooked Tree

Carbide Willson Ruins

La rose noire/ The black rose

Un site attrayant du Parc de la Gatineau!.....

Riviere Outaouais- Ottawa

Ice on blue

Dark-eyed junco / junco ardoisé /-dark-eyed junco