soldier beetle (Rhagonycha)

flea beetle (Systena)

cookstown diner window - II

cookstown diner window - I

Winter Finale

Abandoned Cookstown Diner - XVI

Fall at Crystal Lake

Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)

Eagle's Wings

Southern Leopard Frog

Northern Lapwing

Smithville Ravine in fall

Northern Lapwing

Just outside...

Overgrown Field

Two-banded Japanese Weevil (Pseudocneorhinus bifasciatus)

Northern Lapwing

abandoned diner

A Time Gone By 9/52

Bordentown Neon

Northern Lapwing

12-1/2 / 365 - January 30, 2012 - "Oxmead Forest"

Escape into Nothing


Bog Water Metropolis

On Warmer Days

All Things Shine

Togetherness of One

Dew on the Broom

Walnford Mill

Delaware River

The Pond at Smithville

Fog at the Lake 42/365

Sensational spot

A Simple Premise


Autumn Reflection

Good Morning everyone! Rise and shine! :)

Amazing Sky 165/365

The Lonely Tree - III

The Lonesomeness of One