Tes River

Father And Son (Redux)

Mindscape 7

angry skies

Bloodlines Of Temujin *

The Power

Way of Life

Climb * ^

Red Door

mist & ice

Father And Son Under Mongolian Sky

Sky & Hills *

Behind Me?

Dark Ice

El Barbero de Sevilla


Riders On The Cloud (detail) * **

stone and tree

by the river

sunburst over frozen lake

Into a Dust Storm

Cloud Dance


Come back !

Sorgenti termali Tsagaan

Near Sain shand.

Lhakh mountian.

la vita vince sempre ( always wins )

Education Of Shaman: Learning To Fly

Tomorrow morning,...

Uureg Lake Horses


the fall of forest

Turgen Mountains from Uureg Lake

Sky Patrol

Muted, Pt. 1

m i n d s c a p e

Crooked Tree

183 sheep & goats, 1 yak

Mongolia .....stelle mongoline