Tempestuous Messenger

Reach out.....and touch a cloud

Pikes Peak Summit View

Better Days Behind

Striated Phantom

The Pike's Peak Cog Railway at 14,115 Feet (4300+ m)

Ancient Sentinel Lookout

771: Where's Littl' Red Riding Hood?

Enjoying Fall in the Cripple Creek Valley

Pike's Peak Fall Grandeur

Mile High Lake

Cloud Level Vistas

Moonlit Meandering Meadow

Mueller State Park: Montane Grassland to Ponderosa Pine

767: Leader of the Pack


Dome Rock State Wildlife Area

2010 Perseid Meteor Shower Composite

America the Beautiful

Bursting Through the Riparian on Fourmile Creek

Pike's Peak Monsoonal Flow

Autumn in the Rockies

Victor Cemetery at Dusk

Rocky Mountain High

360 degrees Autumn

Autumn Independence

Pikes Peak

Angled Autumn on Gold Camp Road

Victor Sunnyside Cemetery and Potter's Field

Pikes Peak Granite Dome

An Autumn Day

2017_Denver Trip_Pikes Peak Cog Railway_29

See for miles and miles and miles

Mount Pisgah Autumn, Cripple Creek, Colorado