Crossroads Motel-Restaurant - Moira, New York
North Country hay field after the morning rain
haying in the North Country
Deer River
North Country
Road At Deer River
Eggleston Park, Skerry, NY
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird- Camp
Black-Capped Chickadee- Camp
Hummingbird at feeder 2- Camp
Wild Turkey 3- Dickinson Center
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird- Camp
Purple Finch- Camp
Rose-breasted Grosbeak- Camp
Downy Woodpecker- Camp
#NNY ????
Entering the Campground
Bombay, NY
A sleepy Beanis. #dogs #sleepydog #pugbostonmix #naptime
These ironwood trees look way cool. #ironwood #trees #fall #nny #northcountry #newyorkstate #bark
These cute little orange button fungi were found in the clearing at the ridge. #fungi #mushrooms #undergrowth #brushton #nny #northcountry #hikes
Found a very used car in the woods. #studebaker #cars #vintagecars #classiccars #wrecks #hikingadventures #abandonedcars #brushton #nny #northcountry
Found some cute little mushrooms on a hike today. #brushton #mushrooms #undergrowth #fall #newyorkstate
The spare bus rules. #vintagecars #schoolbus #international #brushton #cars #classiccars #ford #sizecomparison
Y tener la certeza de que cuanto más recorres más te queda por recorrer. #ny #theempirestate #usa #road #travel #trip #road trip #instagood #instagramers #viajar #viaxar #voyage
Château d'eau - Water Tower
Turned to Ice