Askewed view

Waiting for the night

Dream night

Cloudy Seascape

SFO’s Saturday Night

The Last Traces of the Sun

Golden Gate from Twin Peaks

Grand View Park San Francisco

City colors

Gray Whale Cove Beach

all across corona heights

Above the Skyline

I miss night shots

Pond in Summer

Currents of Light

Welcome back to San Francisco!

San Francisco, CA, Hairpin Turn and Downtown View from Mount Sutro on Twin Peaks

San Francisco - Master

San Francisco, CA, Noe Valley, Landscape with Dog

Late Afternoon Light

From Twin Peaks

Watching the sunset and dramatic clouds

A Small Pier on the Bay

Early Evening on Saturday

Can I Calm Down the Waves?

Cars Are Prohibited to Go Through Nowadays

San Francisco

California Coastline

San Francisco from Corona Heights park

Boeing 777-322/ER face off at SFO

Golden Gate National Cemetary

[Rolling...] at San Andreas Lake, San Bruno, CA

Moment of the day

Delta Air Lines Boeing 717 N994AT

Rockaway Beach, Pacifica

Wave watching....

beacon street overlook

Dream of Californication

Pacifica, San Francisco

San Bruno Mountain Park, trail, San Francisco Bay, just before sunset,

San Frantastic