Mysterious shadow play

Autumn Sun

A cold silent night in Cologne

October 2011 01

Experimental Planting

The Crane house No1

Black beaks...


~~~ in the near distance ~~~

shades of blue

2013 May 03

2014 September

Crazy Forest

pink my day

Getting married ... * (1140)

October Sun's Rays

2012 October

2014 October 01

May 2014

December 2010 04

Misty Morning

Cologne fair (ND0.9)

on the Rhine


October Sun

2014 November 01

2012 November 02

In the Field of Gold

preparing to the night

20.11.2009 - Sunrise at the rhine

influenced by the blues

Cologne, GER 2014

2014 November 03

3rd marking point