Taj Mahal

Treehopper - Atymna inornata 1c (female)

Leafhopper - Eratoneura confirmata 1a

Treehopper Ceresa tauriniformis 1a

Rear View Sunset

Golden Homecoming [EXPLORED]

Rock Bridge Memorial State Park

Treehopper Cyrtolobus tuberosus 1a

Leafhopper - Menosoma cincta 1c (mating pair) (edit)

Leafhopper Texananus subgenus Iowanus 1a (edit)

Jesse Hall Infrared

Planthopper - Pintalia vibex (edit)

Early Autumn Along County House Trail

Beetle - Longhorned, Linden Borer Saperda vestita 1b (edit)

Planthopper Melanoliarus 1a

Leafhopper Arboridia diffisa

Leafhopper (Three-banded) Erythroneura tricincta

Beetle - Fiery Searcher Calosoma scrutator 2c (edit)

Treehopper Ceresa tauriniformis 1b

Beetle Bailey

Beetle - Enoclerus quadrisignatus 1a

Interesting inflorescence, Explored (#144 for a while on July 17, 2014)

The Magic Tree (Explored)

Creek bed coming out of the Rock Bridge

Sinkhole Trail

The Crick

Magical Water IMGP4031

Deer Run Trail

Moonrise ambiance

Rock Walls Surrounding Devil's Icebox Cave


Rock Overlooking Deer Run Trail

Time Traveler

Devil's Icebox Cave

Raised trails along the creek

Falls at Entrance to Devil's Icebox Cave

reflective shadow

Golden Forest

Moonlit Silhouette

Where the sun hits the soil, it shines bright red and orange

Great Burr Oak