Rear View Sunset

Soybean Harvest

Leafhopper - Menosoma cincta 1c (mating pair) (edit)

00317 Xylesthia pruniramiella - Speckled Xylesthia Moth 2a (6.5TL)

Totality with Flare

Golden Homecoming [EXPLORED]

Beetle - Fiery Searcher Calosoma scrutator 2c (edit)

Treehopper - Archasia belfragei 1b (edit)

Double-crested Cormorant at Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area - No. 1

Greater Yellowlegs Dancing at Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area - No. 1

Taj Mahal

Greater Yellowlegs Dancing at Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area - No. 2

Treehopper Ceresa tauriniformis 1a

Leafhopper - Eratoneura confirmata 1a

Greater Yellowlegs Dancing at Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area - No. 3

Treehopper Cyrtolobus tuberosus 1a

Treehopper - Atymna inornata 1c (female)

Planthopper - Pintalia vibex (edit)

Leafhopper Texananus subgenus Iowanus 1a (edit)

Leafhopper (Three-banded) Erythroneura tricincta

Beetle - Longhorned, Linden Borer Saperda vestita 1b (edit)

Interesting inflorescence, Explored (#144 for a while on July 17, 2014)

Sunset Over Big Burr Oak

Time Traveler

Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area

Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area

The Midway Travel Plaza