Torrey Pines State Beach

Trail or Traffic

Horseshoes II

Tunnel Vision

Boulevard of Dreams (warning this photograph maybe hazardous to your health)!

La Jolla, California

Lifeguard call box...

Summer Sunrise

Delicate Dance (Egretta Thula), Snowy Egret



2014 - San Diego - La Jolla Cove - Damm, Sit Still - 1 of 2

Fiery Sky Over The Blue La Jolla Beach

The New Flickr Format Sucks! Is this a Sign of Things to Come?

John F. O'Laughlin Residence

Washing Machine

Among the Crowd

Balloon areal view between Del Mar & Rancho Santafe-CA

O my ocean 我的大海

Gateway to Mission Valley

Santee Lakes on the Winter Solstice With Sun Flare - Infrared

Potholes on the Beach

Pacific Beach Pier, San Diego

Life Guard....

Inspiration Point

Windansea Nightscape

La Jolla 419

La Jolla 389

The Evening Star

Across This New Divide - Hospitals (Explore)

Moon Landing


Blue Cove

Aloe Veras and Scripps Pier

El Capitan Reflection

Almost Blue Hour

A Year Ago Today

Enchanted Sea

La Jolla Beach

Until the Last Moment

La Jolla Dawn

Windansea beach surf shack