A Fisheye View

Minolta 45mm f/2 Rokkor-X manual focus candid - Sony A7R

Sakura At Willamette University

桜 In The Park

The view while on a beautiful 10k Folkswalk through the Peonie fields in Brooks, OR. #peonies #HouseofGeorge #whileoutwalking

桜 Cherry Blossoms

stormy view

Sunset on the Oregon State Capitol

Cristom Vineyards

Salem Cherry Blossoms Panorama

The Sky Is On Fire

Bethel Heights

A Bridge Above

Up a Building

Chemeketa and Church

Salem, Oregon April Flowers

State Street - Salem, Oregon

Oregon's Capital Cherry Blossoms And Storm

Springtime in the Woods

Evening Color

Bethel Heights Vineyards

Slant Right

Rolling Beans

Blue Summer

Wee Three Trees

Waiting For Death

Garage Of Green Furrows


Oregon Wheatfield

Super Sunrise in Salem

Kayak on Wirth Lake

Slough Serenity

Willamette Valley Casein

Kephart Farm

Glorious Afterglow

NW Landscape

Birches Monotype

Neskowin ghost forest.