Ellis County Courthouse, Waxahachie

Sign of Another Time

Waxahachie Creek, Waxahachie, Texas

Waxahachie Creek, Waxahachie, Texas

Shooting Craps

Eastern Phoebe

View of August Sky

Waxahachie, TX

Flag for 4th - HDR

capital mod

Tufted Titmouse

view the light

A #Texas good morning to everyone!! :)

Industry Complexity


Ligon & Hamm Grocery, Hardware & Undertaking, downtown Red Oak, Texas, still standing in 2011

Waxahachie WW II Weekend 2011 - Mine

Pre-Fire Catastrophic Destructive Nature-Force

Angel of Grief (Chambers)

Group Shot Cropped

Statue - Richard Ellis

Yard aster (Symphyotrichum divaricatum) Asteraceae

Pink Primrose

Mockingbird Nature Park

Flat-headed Snake

Whisper Me A Song They Used To Sing Along When They Were Kids Of A Time Long Ago Gone.... But Just Whisper It.

Field of Sunflowers, Instagram

Eastern Meadowlark

So far, a much better summer than last year, keep up the good work!

Not so solo tree!

Field of Sunflowers

Field of Sunflowers 2

Good morning!

Indian Paintbrush in Field of Bluebonnets

Wheat bokeh vertical

Purple Thistle

Wheat bokeh

If only I had a ND filter..

Indian Blanket

Yellow on Yellow - Amarillo en Amarillo

Camera Roll-142