Shooting Craps

Eastern Phoebe

View of August Sky

Waxahachie, TX

Waxahachie Courthouse

Ellis County Courthouse, Waxahachie

Plebeian Sphinx Moth

capital mod

Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

Sign of Another Time

Hagen's Sphinx Moth

Waxahachie Creek, Waxahachie, Texas

View of the Backyard

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Courthouse, Waxahachie Texas

Our view with dinner tonight.

Angel of Grief (Chambers)

Statue - Richard Ellis

Ground Skink

Rogers Hotel Fire Escape

Queen Butterflies

Black Swallowtail

Field of Sunflowers, Instagram

Pink Primrose

Flowered Plains

After the Rains...

Queen Butterfly

Western Branded Skipper

Running on track today as I wait for Gabi as she performs with school choir; parents were not allowed to watch kids.

Sunset Over Sorghum

Field of Sunflowers 2

Field of Sunflowers

Wheat bokeh vertical

Queen Butterflies

Indian Paintbrush in Field of Bluebonnets

Sunset Over Sorghum

Wheat bokeh

Purple Thistle

Mourning Dove

Indian Blanket