Like my bangs?

The Story in Reflections~EXPLORE #158

Reflections through the trees~EXPLORE #99

Spring view - Vue printanière

In the Millstream Valley

Water or Ice?

All the leaves are down~~ Wrong!~EXPLORE # 410

Curving Boardwalk~EXPLORE # 146

Hoar Frost Morning

Swimming back into the color!~EXPLORE #353

The old and the new

The Beautiful Boardwalk~EXPLORE #73

Sunset in an Icicle

Mugo Pine

Red Crossbill

North view from the observation tower at the Beresford beach - Vue du nord en haut de la tour d'observation à la plage de Beresford

Point Daly Bridge - Pont de Pointe Daly

Catkins over the water

Enjoying the morning sun~Explore #186

Textured Crocusmia

Mallard in the Red~EXPLORE#276

Grant's brook - Ruisseau Grant

Pabineau River - Rivière Pabineau

River cutting through Rock

Road to the camps

South Tetagouche-2

Sunset at the Waterfront Park

The high alpine hike at Lake O'Hars delivers world-class scenery almost every step of the way...but so hard to book a seat on the bus. Some people just walk in the extra 11 km to the starting point #hiking #beautifuldestinations . . . #explorebc #thegrea

Blue is Blue

Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick

Hadley Falls

The end of winter - La fin de l'hiver

Rainbow in front of my house - Arc-en-ciel devant ma maison

The beach today - La plage aujourd'hui

In the stillness there is beauty

Christmas 2017 snowstorm - Tempête de neige de Noël 2017

Beresford beach - Plage de Beresford

Beresford beach seen from the observation tower - La plage de Beresford vue de la tour d'observation

Jul 12 2007 073

Blue sunset - Coucher de soleil bleu

Little path at Daly Point - Petit sentier à la Pointe Daly

Splendid day at the Falls - Journée parfaite aux chutes