All the leaves are down~~ Wrong!~EXPLORE # 410

Going back a few weeks~EXPLORE #198

Budding out along the River

Blushing Leaves

Rugged and moss spotted~EXPLORE #258

One of the phenomenal views you get when you hike Lake O'Hara's alpine circuit. The ledges aren't as sketchy as they look in the photo #hikingadventures #explorebc

Peering into the depths of the forest

petite clairière en vue...

Catkins over the water

I was lookin' back to see...

Different view - Vue différente

Wildfire~EXPLORE #471

Blue is Blue

Nipisiquit River

View of Downtown Bathurst

South Tetagouche-2

Pabineau Falls on May-12, 2012 - Chutes Pabineau le 12 mai, 2012

Splendid day at the Falls - Journée parfaite aux chutes

Baltimore Checkerspot 20150704 Popple Depot

South Tetagouche Falls

Riviere Tetagouche

Bathurst Skyline

Sunrise on the Old Yacht Club

Pabineau Falls-1 - Chutes Pabineau-1

Bathurst, New Brunswick

Pabineau Falls-2 - Chutes Pabineau-2

Bathurst, New Brunswick Photo

Cloudy homecoming

Fall at the Falls

Salmon jump

Paruline des pins / Pine Warbler