When the thunder calls you!

When the sky inspires...


My first autumn sunset capture

Another point of view of my favourite place

Goodnight 2015

Παχη 3

Stairway to heaven

Porto Germeno

Megara - another view of the fountain

first steps--------OVER 12.000 VIEWS t h a n k y o u------

A kitten at sunset

The View From Manolis

Pateras Mt.

When the day meets the night

The dogs watch the fishermen when the day ends...

The path through the trees

Afternoon on the coast

Sunset from the old castle

Fishing boat

At the end of the day

agioi Theodoroi - Greece

Νέα Πέραμος

Road to nowhere

Someone is so far, so close

cloudy and romantic

Milky Way & moon

Νέα Πέραμος

Vourkari Megara

Πόρτο Γερμενό Porto Germeno Attika Greece