long sunset

swiftly flow the days


Night shot from my balcony

i'll be sittin' when the evenin' come

long eclipse

mediterranean sky

the day was going down slow

white tower sun


little planet white tower

Παχη 3

splendor in the sea

Elefsina View (HDR)

Seascapes 5

Swirling colors behind the hill

Megara - another view of the fountain

first steps--------OVER 12.000 VIEWS t h a n k y o u------

Night falls on snowed mountain Kithairwnas

The View From Manolis

bus window

Νέα Πέραμος

Παραλία Ελευσίνας

Driving home

Road to nowhere

Eleusis 2

Shipwreck and Crane

Ναυάγιο του Ευταξία

Mediterranean sky shipwreck

Αστέρια - Σαλαμίνα, Stars beach - Salamina (Greek island)

New Day Dawning

Number 41600

cloudy and romantic