California Ground Squirrel
Proficient dive bomber - Forster's Tern
Barn Swallow (immature)
Eared Grebe
Common Goldeneye (m)
Mum’s Watchful Eye
Canvasback (m)
Eared Grebe
Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte Anna), visiting the blooms of a Mexican Sage
Barrow's Goldeneye
Rental canoes and kayaks
Runway two eight left cleared to land
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) (sp. # 167)
Snowy Egret collecting nest material-
Young Egret Feeding-35516
Colorful twist in life
Red-shafted Northern Flicker (m)
Sunset Wood Horse
My Sunrise Place
Common Goldeneye (f)
forever circling