Such a cute rear view on this one! ❤

Great Horned Owl

Likely Land and Livestock

Lavabeds 03

An Erie Sight

Unlikely Leader

Between a rock and a hard place. On the road in Northeastern California.

White-Faced Ibis

White-Faced Ibis

Happy 3rd birthday to my sweet little baby boy, Sylas Glenn!! ???? ❤ ???? ❤ ????

MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR props to my amazing husband today. We've found our new house to be pretty cold (without the heat going) so he crawled all around under here today and put new insulation in and re-fastened the stuff that had fallen. He found that A LOT ha

Working on my moves. Husband is not amused. ???? #sidecrow

Happy Halloween!! ???????????????????????? We have wayyyy too much candy now. ????

Goofballs ????????????

Love them!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Happy Fall!!


Post anniversary dinner selfie. #11years #ilovethisman

"Lightning Girl" for Superhero Day at school today! ❤️❤️⭐️⚡️⚡️⚡️

Home sick today...that smile tells me she's feeling better, though!

Finished painting the kitchen walls this afternoon...then moved on to this little nook. I've had this quart for years and finally used it today! #chalkboardpaint

The dining room's paint job is done, too!! #excusemymess

Another room's last wall painted. Ready for carpet to be installed TOMORROW!! Well, after I clean up this mess...

No carpet yet means these two can't move into their rooms quite yet...so they shared the bed in the guest bedroom. ❤️❤️ Stayed there all night!

Night #1 in the new house ❤️ Happy to have my partner here who worked so hard to make it happen!! Only snafu so far...the fridge won't fit through the doorways into the kitchen - oops!! Gotta take the doors off tomorrow. For now it's plugged in in the liv