Maybe I'll Eat Rice Tonight

Ocular with @moncorpuz @kuletski. Sunrise shoot at Carabaoan, Mayantoc #Tarlac.

Two of the finest photogs in the Philippines gazing the great Mayantoc sunrise scene

Mayantoc's beautiful landscape. Hometown of my good friend @moncorpuz. Thank you for bringing us there! Almost 2 years narin pala ito! #archive #m43 #olympus #epl6 © @tekgik #imagesmithPH

70th Universe....

Fairview of Province....

speeding Granbird....

In exchange of RB46S

Gutierrez's PKB....

Central City V90

changed fleet number....

just from gateway...

easy breezy ride....

Loading time....

Cityliner at dusk....

afternoon ordinary...

as full as it is...

Coastal City Premium

Bolinao's HD...

typical Tuesday ride....

now in Chinese Engine...

from 2 to single windshield type....

unexpected stop...

Gutierrez's Guilin....