the Red Knot Army

A Colorful Sanderling

100% Chance of Snow...

A Two-Stepping Dunlin

Early Start

A Magnificent Osprey Landing

Composite shot

A Cape May Sunset

Black Skimmer

Sunset Point

a Snowy Stalker

Willet on the Wing

Pretty in Pink

Seaside Osprey

Ipswich Sparrow

an Oystercatcher Sunset

Tri-Colored Heron...Stalking

Those Terrible Talons

Shooting the shooter

Bay-breasted Warbler

Evening Grosbeak

The impasse was all in my mind

Into the Blue

Windswept Divide


Cape May Lighthouse Cloudy

Cape May Seascape

Cape May Lighthouse, Infrared 2

Sunset Beach, Cape May NJ

Salt Marsh Heron

Horizon Sun Set

Living on the Edge


Early Morning Seascape

Star of Cape May

Cape May Lighthouse on a cloudy day

Cape May Lighthouse from The Cove Beach

Cape May Light - revisited

One thing is for certain, the sun will rise everyday

Infinite reflection