100% Chance of Snow...

A Magnificent Osprey Landing

Black Skimmer

Seaside Osprey

an Oystercatcher Sunset

Tri-Colored Heron...Stalking

Salt Marsh Heron

Little Star

Cape May Light - revisited

Star of Cape May

Gaze of the Osprey

Red Knot

Soybean Looper

Battery 223

Front View of Gingerbread house Number 1, Cape May New Jersey

Northern Goshawk & Cooper's Hawk

3D clouds

the Red Knot Army

A Colorful Sanderling

Early Start

A Two-Stepping Dunlin

Sunset Point

Windswept Divide

Shooting the shooter


Cape May Seascape

Horizon Sun Set


Early Morning Seascape

Cape May Lighthouse on a cloudy day

Infinite reflection

Sandblasted Sanderling

Cape May Lighthouse from The Cove Beach

.. Minutes later

Painted Sky At Sunset

Beach drifters

'to the beach'

End of Day

The impasse was all in my mind