Iran Persepolis _DSC6144

Iran Persepolis _DSC6215

All nations gate

Iran Persepolis _DSC6143

Iran Persepolis _DSC6154

Naqsh-e Rostam II contextual view

Naqsh-e Rostam II, register view

Iran Persepolis _DSC6026

Iran Persepolis _DSC6156

Iran Persepolis _DSC6190

Iran Persepolis _DSC6096

View of Gate of All Nations - Persepolis, Iran

Iran Persepolis DSC_0759

Iran Persepolis _DSC6116

Iran Persepolis _DSC6129

Iran Persepolis _DSC6113

Iran Persepolis DSC_0752

Iran Persepolis _DSC6159

Iran Persepolis _DSC6152

Iran Persepolis _DSC6087

Iran Persepolis _DSC6091

Shapur I, King of kings of Iran and Aniran

Naqsh-e Rustam

Naqsh-e Rostam

Persian Cross

Naqsh-e Rajab

Naqsh-e Rustam landscape

Iran 2007 093 Naqsh-e Rustam

Naqsh-e Rustam (4)

Twilight Color over Ancient Canvas

Victory of Bahram II

1975.09-30b Naghsh-e Rustam, tombs of the Kings نقش رستم

Ruins of Persepolis

Tomb of Darius the Great

Iran Persepolis _DSC6083

سردار خاموش

Iran Persepolis _DSC6216

Naqsh-e Rostam. Tumbas de Darío I e, crese, de Jerjes I, Artajerjes I e Darío II

Iran - Naqsh-e Rostam

Nations Gate at Persepolis
