1976.04-43a Pasargadae 1976 from the Tall-i-Takht پاسارگاد

Iran Pasargadae DSC_0912

Iran Pasargadae _DSC6423

Iran Pasargadae _DSC6419

Iran Pasargadae _DSC6406

Pasargadae: capital of Cyrus the Great founded 546BC

Iran Pasargadae _DSC6399

Iran Pasargadae _DSC6405

Iran Pasargadae _DSC6377

Iran Pasargadae _DSC6391

View of the Tomb of Cyrus from Tal-e Takht

Beautiful view

View from top of the hill at Pasargadae

Beautiful view

Cyrus Tomb - Pasargad

Iran - Pasargadae

Tomb of Cyrus the Great - 7

Tomb of Cyrus the Great - 1

Pasargadae - Iran

Grave of Cyrus the great

Iran Pasargadae _DSC6408


Pasargad, Parsagadae

Pasargadae - Tomb of Cyrus

Tumba de Ciro o Grande en Pasargada

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0812 Pasagarda y Cyrus - 50

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Tal-e Takht (Throne Hall)

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