Lake view from Toronto Hotel, Toronto, NSW, 15 September 1900

Jetty View

morisset hospital criminal insane unit [panoramic]

Myuna Bay Twigs

Sit and Watch the World Go By (Explored)

morisset hospital criminal insane unit

Ironwood (Backhousia myrtifolia)

morisset hospital criminal insane unit

morisset hospital criminal insane unit

morisset hospital criminal insane unit

morisset hospital criminal insane unit

Lone Dawn Seagull . Original exclusive photo art.

morisset hospital criminal insane unit

morisset hospital criminal insane unit

Mrs Windross Refreshment Rooms, Toronto, NSW, 31 October 1903

morisset hospital criminal insane unit

Hunter Valley Dawn

Wangi Wangi Power Station

Still Sails....

Jetty with Water Reflections & Seagulls. Original Landscape Photo Art.

Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)

M o n d o r l a V a l l e y - D o o r a l o n g

Rainforest Creek HDR

257 Seconds 20121219 (Explored)

Below Gap Creek Falls

Moored 20130415 (Explored)

BRAN395-00-C Vales Point Power Station and Chain Valley Colliery NSW September 1975

Wangi Sunrise Pelican

2015-02-08 Rathmines Aerial_DJI00013.jpg

Blackbutt (Eucalyptus pilularis)

Flowing Outlet

Coachwood (Ceratopetalum apetalum)

Rainforest Stream

Bangalow Palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana)

#lake #blue #yellow #water #sunrise #reflection

#bonnellesbay #lakemacquarie #sunset #pelican #lake

Bucks weekend begins!! @doggedtim @knapdang

#wyeepoint #boat #fun #funtimes #funtimeswithfriends #friends #sun #tube #watersports #lakemacquarie #nsw #australia

Forest for the trees

hftci - 2010_11_07_5053