Sail away with me

Dora Creek

morisset hospital criminal insane unit [panoramic]

BRAN395-00-C Vales Point Power Station and Chain Valley Colliery NSW September 1975

T C Hectors saw mill, Awaba, NSW, 26 February 1896

S.S. Rose and picnic party, Wangi , NSW, [18] December 1902

Dredging, Cockle Creek, NSW, [1] March 1901

Railway Station, Morisset, NSW, 25 February 1896

Ironwood (Backhousia myrtifolia)

M3042 - Toronto, Lake Macquarie Estate subdivision plan, [n.d.]

Lone Dawn Seagull . Original exclusive photo art.

Jesse Homes residence, Toronto, NSW, 14 September [1907]

Railway bridge, Dora Creek, NSW, [21 January 1910]

Jetty View

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry

Locomotive 'Murrumbidgee', Dora Creek, NSW, 14 August 1887

Avondale factory & printing Department, Cooranbong, NSW, 21 August 1908

The View from the Library

Cooranbong Public School, NSW, 25 February 1896

BRAN396-01-C Vales Point Power Station and Chain Valley Colliery NSW September 1975

BRAN397-02-C Vales Point Power Station and Chain Valley Colliery NSW September 1975

257 Seconds 20121219 (Explored)

A Quick Storm on the Lake

Lake Macquarie Sunrise

Peeking Dawn

Lake Macquarie Sunset

Wangi Sunrise Pelican

Blackbutt (Eucalyptus pilularis)

BRAN398-03-C Chain Valley Colliery NSW September 1975

M o n d o r l a V a l l e y - D o o r a l o n g

#35mm #film #trees #path #forest #watagans #australia #centralcoast #vsco #greendesk #somewheremagazine #thefilmfolk #heyfsc #photofilmy #ishootfilm #ACCESScommunity #worldnomads #myfeatureshoot #filmisnotdead #livefolktakeover #eifelexplorers #landscape_

Rainforest Creek HDR

Below Gap Creek Falls

#lake #blue #yellow #water #sunrise #reflection

Moored 20130415 (Explored)

Across the water

#bonnellesbay #lakemacquarie #sunset #pelican #lake