168/365 - Into the depth

Tetraeder in Bottrop

081/365 - Colorful crossing

148/365 - Incoming Nightfall

Greek colours in Germany

082/365 - Blue Gas

080/365 - Swinging spiral

084/365 - Nightly courtyard

Schachtzeichen, Ruhr 2010

a fresh start into the new year ...

069/365 - Historical traffic infrastructure

in this light and on this evening

070/365 - Steel industry train


074/365 - Lighting Varies Regularly

085/365 - Cultural food intake

No. 09 of 52 (explore??)

No. 12 of 52 part deux (explore)

framed view

No. 02 of 52

No. 13 of 52 (explore)

A walk in the park (Thank you for 1000 views)

156/365 - Monday morning

Duisburg-Baerl - Lohmühle 03

078/365 - Burning sunset

141/365 - Wet roundabout

076/365 - Wet rocks

Duisburg-Baerl - Lohmühle 02

136/365 - The devils front door

Speed (Thank you for 1000 views)

166/365 - More than Five Boats

139/365 - Waiting in the cold

Duisburg Innenhafen HDR

winter pattern

Duisburg-Baerl - Lohmühle 01

077/365 - Take over the helm

the towers

73/365 Duisburger Innenhafen zur blauen Stunde

075/365 - Rocky trails

The Crocodile