A walk in the park (Thank you for 1000 views)

Tetraeder in Bottrop

... blue blossom of Borago officinalis

136/365 - The devils front door

148/365 - Incoming Nightfall

Speed (Thank you for 1000 views)

Greek colours in Germany

139/365 - Waiting in the cold

080/365 - Swinging spiral

a fresh start into the new year ...

in this light and on this evening

No. 11 of 52 (explore)

... green harmony

... filigree blossom in my garden

... leaf of a banana plant

038/365 - Illuminated Sasol

No. 12 of 52 part deux (explore)

framed view

... tiny beauty in my garden

... dragonfly in my garden

No. 16 of 52 part deux

156/365 - Monday morning

...a storm is coming

078/365 - Burning sunset

the thing

076/365 - Wet rocks

the journey


my way

winter pattern

Schloss Wittringen

Duisburg-Baerl - Lohmühle 03

019/365 - Crossing with speed limit

Flowing light

Sonnenaufgang Emscherwanderweg

141/365 - Wet roundabout

Duisburg-Baerl - Lohmühle 02