Marble View

Current view from my bedroom #tatankalodge #wisconsintrip2015 #vacation #sunset #romantic #twilighttime #seriouslythough #winter #frozenlake #letsgoswimming

Evening View Of Buffalo Lake.

Main Stree Montello

pasture view, 2007

grand display!

Dense Wild Rice - Lake Puckaway

Granite Quarry Waterfalls

Falls in a former quarry, Montello

Auburn Interstate

nature's light reflected!

...the moments that take our breath away!

Pretty winter waterfalls! Montello ain't half bad #letsgoswimming #perfect #snow #frozen #waterfalls #vacation #wisconsintrip2015 #montello #thatminichurchwasplayingchristmasmusic

Foggy Uncertainty

Granite Falls in Montello, WI

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Shadow Trail

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Silver Spring Lake Sunrise 010

Interstate Reflection

Retro Forest

Cold Skies

All the Colors of the Sunset

Silver Spring Lake Sunrise 011