Amboseli National Park

That was tasty!

McDonalds Tommy

Rain storm at Mara Lake, BC, Canada

The Sausage tree (Kigelia africana)

Sunset over Mara Lake, Canada

" The Maras salt workers " . Salineras de Maras. Incas Sacred Valley. Cuzco. Peru.

Liptov, Slovakia

The Salt-Evaporation Ponds of Maras (Las Salineras de Maras), Maras, Urumbamba, Peru ペルー マラスの塩湖

Tanzania: Crippled Lioness

Usambiro Barbet (Trachyphonus usambiro) Usambarios skägggök

Massai The Lion Hunter Warrior People

Lares trek

Image from page 72 of "Lost Maramech and earliest Chicago; a history of the Foxes and their downfall near the great village of Maramech;" (1903)

Our African Safari

opi 1918

East African lion (Panthera leo nubica) Östafrikanskt lejon

Image from page 99 of "Stories of American pioneers: Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, Fremont, Kit Carson" (1897)

Image from page 25 of "Canada" (1909)

Image from page 170 of "Ridpath's Universal history : an account of the origin, primitive condition and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal events in the evolution and progress of the civilized life among men and nations

Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha

Las salineras de Maras, Peru

Maras Salt Pans

The Salt-Evaporation Ponds of Maras (Las Salineras de Maras), Maras, Urumbamba, Peru ペルー マラスの塩湖


Storm at Mara Lake, BC, Canada HDR

Passage obligatoire...

Liptov, Slovakia

Summer day at Mara Lake, Canada

Liptov, Slovakia

Shuswap Sunset

Summer days at Mara Lake, BC, Canada

"The place where the land runs on forever" - Serengeti national park, Tanzania

Parque Nacional Lihué Calel

République d'Irlande

Las salineras de Maras, Peru

Las salineras de Maras, Peru

Las salineras de Maras, Peru

Misty morning calm on Mara Lake