
The view from my hotel balcony as evening approaches...

View on Manzanillo Bay

Pool with a view

Enjoying the View

Hotel balcony - not a bad view...


With my future wife enjoying the view... #engaged #couplegoals #relationshipgoals #love #Manzanillo #carnavalmanzanillo

Playa de Santiago



the lonely

Raining horizon

beauty before the storm

#sea #Manzanillo #work #travel #Mexico #mextagram #wanderlust #ocean

Dragging the net

De pesca

Feliz semana! #Manzanillo

Banca Soleada

#amaneciendo #manzanillo

Puerto de Manzanillo

Muro de contencion


Sunset at Manzanillo

Solo por esto me gusta tanto el mar.

sleep time

The next wave

Llegamos a #manzanillo de viaje para @mexicodesconocido #viajeroexpertomd

Viaducto II