7 puppies running foot race!

Große Marienkirche

10 weeks and running!

11 weeks Happy running Puppy!

Running Havanese Puppy!

Havanese /Spitz/Collie Mix.

Smiling Maltese!

Our second Havanese Angel as pupp!

Havanese Amost Getting The Ball!

Take a brake..Havanese puppie lying in the shaodow on a hot day!

8 Weeks Happy Puppy!

A Havanese Puppie of 11 weeks!

I love you neighbor !

Playing Havanese dogs!

View from Wewelsburg

Der Himmel über Geseke

Anyway, a good view ..

Going to my hometown

Lighthouse view

Standing on one Leg..Havanese /Spitz/Collie Mix.

the journey is the reward

Buchenblau mit grün

Frischer Mais über Kreuz

Brot für die Welt

Dame Blanche

Breathe in the air.

Meet the Sky

beautiful nature ..

Abendsonne / Evening sun

In the shadow



Inselwetter [explored]

Dramatische Landschaft

Gateway to the Sleeping Beauty

Warum ich noch in diesem Jahr zurück ans Meer muss... III

langer Schatten ...

Wildnis pur

Kurz vor Sonnenaufgang

Ländliche Kaltfronten

Naturschutzgebiet Steinhorster Becken

Ein Beet im Kornfeld...