Midnight in a Perfect World During the Summer Solstice

American Coot

Chanticleer People

365/87: Sundays...

Sunrise Viewing Area

Lady Goldfinch

Mallards in Flight

snow with garden court view

View from my @funretro and @apkvintage booth at @clovermarket!

End of an Era

J. Heinz Bambi

Mourning Dove

Double Bow 3 [EXPLORED]

Chanticleer Gardens

Built for Speed

View across Broomall's Lake

Philadelphia Rises

Way Beyond

365/61: If good fences make good neighbors, do pretty fences make pretty neighbors?

Forest Jewel

Tree Swallow - "The Stare"

173 | 365: Merion Botanical Park

...for every challenge encountered in life there is opportunity for growth, remember that the pain encountered today is the strength rewarded YOU tomorrow. ☝ #Woosha #NeverGiveUp #NothingIsPromised

Morning Dove


Suburban Commuter Landscape

Smoke on the Water

Cobbs Creek

11th Fairway

Mount Moriah Cemetery (IR)

September 17th

So, where was the news when there was nothing but fathers at the park, spending time with their children?


reveal your secrets to the wind

Grey Catbird

Flying back to IA from PA

Lincoln's Sparrow

Above Osage

First image on BeFunky...

Song Sparrow

Evening at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Pennsylvania

Abandoned Cemetery