A Rapacious Great Blue

Burnings Sky

Where We Live

365/87: Sundays...

Double Bow 3 [EXPLORED]

Mourning Dove

Mallards in Flight

Red-tailed Hawk - "Watching"

Midnight in a Perfect World During the Summer Solstice

Way Beyond

The Dam at Sycamore Mills

American Coot

Suburban Commuter Landscape

Chanticleer People

Tree Swallow - "The Stare"

Old Stone Home

The Silent

The Fading Path

A View of Chanticleer Gardens


Little Fighter Jet


Cobbs Creek

Green Heron

September 17th

...for every challenge encountered in life there is opportunity for growth, remember that the pain encountered today is the strength rewarded YOU tomorrow. ☝ #Woosha #NeverGiveUp #NothingIsPromised

turning motion


This shot was taken a couple months ago during a hike here at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge south of Philadelphia, while the sun was setting. Hope everyone has a great day, and thanks for stopping by! ???? . . . . #johnheinzwildliferefuge #pa

Ridley Creek 2423

Spring Reflection

Abandoned Cemetery

Lincoln's Sparrow

make it so...engage!

*Flowering Wilds*

Local Flows

So, where was the news when there was nothing but fathers at the park, spending time with their children?

feast your eyes.