Bandhara Views 9-12-2011 : DSCN0293

Shrine of the Stations of the Cross

Bandhara Views 9-12-2011 : DSCN0302

Bandhara Views 9-12-2011 : DSCN0299

Bandhara Views 9-12-2011 : DSCN0298

Sangre de Cristo Mountains: San Luis, Colorado (CO)

Capilla de Todos Los Santos - San Luis, Colorado, 2016

Sangre De Cristo Range from St. Peter and St. Paul Catholic Church - San Pablo, Colorado, 2016

Culebra Peak closeup from C-159

Viejo San Acacio, Colorado (CO)

Capilla de San Isidro - Los Fuertes, Colorado, 2016

TaosBoulderJune4-2014 : DSCN7820

TaosBoulderJune4-2014 : DSCN7818

Taos Hanuman July 25 2013 : DSCN3796

TaosBoulderJune4-2014 : DSCN7814

Culebra Peak and Horses

Sagebrush steppe south of Fort Garland, Colorado

Southern CO, Wild Horses

San Luis Valley

San Luis Valley

Sunset over Stations of the Cross

Storm on the horizon

TaosBoulderJune4-2014 : DSCN7803

Taos 2005-05-01_045-Edit.jpg

San Luis Valley (San Luis, Colorado)