A Quarter For Your Thoughts

One For The Birds

Cliff Hanger

Brown Pelican 4385

Kingfisher Waiting for Lunch

Brown Pelican Airborne 5644

Swear I hear the Ride of the Valkyries in the background...

Balboa Pavilion Street View

Eye to the Telescope

Ford Model A Greyhound Special - Side View

Jagged Coast

The photographer's eye...

Pelican on a diet

094/365 if i can reach higher...

Rhythm of the waves...

Winging the Hunt

Huntington Beach, California

500,000 views! thank you!

endless view

Huntington beach pier #1

Down by the Sea

Perspiring on the beach ..

Blue&Gold Sunset

Just past sunset at Huntington Cliffs this evening

In flight

Different views of Bolsa Chica


Beauty All Around You

Strike up with me

Bolsa Chica 376

rays over the pier

Early Winter's Eve

Good Morning Surfers

Sunset at Newport Beach (Lifeguard Tower) - Purple Hue

Huntington Beach Sunset.

Surf's Up

Huntington Beach Pier

The Wedge Newport Beach (explored)