Majestic views in Magoebaskloof, we went at a 12km/h average, slow but worth it


Take a break and enjoy the view

View across the Anniversary Garden's gate

Deep In The Forest

Sequoia Gardens Heanertsburg

Troutbeck Lake

Of Gods & Monsters

Stanford Lake und Iron Crown

Troutbeck Lake

Haus am See

Here Comes The Sun

Plantagen in Agatha vor der Kulisse der Wolkberg Mountains

South Africa 1971 North Transvaal. Magoebas Kloof Holiday Camp below.

Magoebaskloof Ruskamp

Upside Down

Blick von der Old Coach Road auf Macadamia-Plantagen, den New Agatha Forest und die Wolkberg Wilderness Area

Macadamia-Plantage in Agatha

Zuid Afrika - Magubaskloof-103



Zuid Afrika - Magubaskloof-105

