All change at Fenagh for Paris, Berlin, and Vienna!

Northern Bank, Mohill, Co. Leitrim

Castle Gate, Mohill, Co. Leitrim

Stay Frosty

Dromod Cavan & Leitrim Station 2012

At the top of Longford

084 outside Dromod, 30/7/06

Leitrim Sunset 09

Lough Bofin View

A view from the lofty heights

River Shannon Bridge

Home view

The view from the hill

Lough Rynn Castle Hotel

Water | Land | Sky

Under A Blood Red Sky

Jamestown Canal


The Shannon River

Lough Conway

Up Sheebeg

The Shannon River

Clear Skies

Ballinamore Canal - Shannon Erne Waterway

Keshcarrigan Lough

Roosky Sunset

Irish Landscape

Cavan and Leitrim Railway

Inver Lady

Shannon Erne Waterway

The Shannon River

The Shannon-Erne waterway

Lough irlandais

Lough Rynn, Ireland