Okeover Inlet

Savary Island South Beach

Lund harbour

View from the balcony

Savary Island sunset

View from the master bedroom

Lund harbour from the water taxi office

Snake biting Heron, can't let go!

Strolling the shoreline

View towards Powell River from Savary Island

Duck Bay, Savary Island

Panoramic view from Indian Point, Savary Island, BC

Mermaid Beach

Ice cream in Lund

Beachcombing at Mermaid Beach

The kids are in bed...

Calm waters

Sutherland Beach, Savary Island

Duck Bay, Savary Island

Savary Island from the Government Wharf

Savary Island sunset

Little water

All My Pieces in Place

Squirrel Cove

Low tide on Savary Island

There's A Storm Comin'

In Line to Set

Sea to See

Crustacean Cloud

Lund Harbour

Ship on the horizon