Okeover Arm

Ferry Light

Powell River

View from the master bedroom

The kids are in bed...

Mermaid Beach

Strolling the shoreline

BC Sunshine Lund 20170524_133929

BC Sunshine Lund 20170524_133855

Powell River

Don't really feel like hitting the road anymore... Knees are stiffing up and for once in my trips I'll chill out and enjoy the sun, the view, and do some work I guess! :) #donefortheday #VIASC #rode100percent #escapebc #powellriver #bike #touring

Powell River

Powell River

Powell River

Savary Island sunset

Powell River

Powell River

Powell River

View from the balcony

Lund harbour

Ice cream in Lund

All My Pieces in Place

Mowat Bay

Fun run

Vancouver Island

Okeover Arm - 94/365 - 2017

Duck Bay, Savary Island

Foraging on Mermaid Beach

Powell River Barge Terminal

Sutherland Beach, Savary Island

Playing on South Beach

Savary Island sunset

Powell River

Winter Holiday in Powell River

South Beach, Savary Island

Duck Bay, Savary Island