beautiful forest solitude - "Waldeinsamkeit"

stand aside

*Vogesenblick* - *Vosges view*

The Red House (HDR)

the grape harvest is finished

Sunset in Freiburg

final golden autumn day?

take a seat!

University Library

An early rise

raised eyebrows

laughing teen girls

Freiburg - Street lantern with view to the Freiburg Muenster Cathedral

shorter days

Happy Easter

Fun at the Park

Schlossberg im winterlichen Gewand

The view over the vineyards, the Rhine Valley to the Vosges

a last look at the outgoing winter season

"It's strange to wander in the fog ..."

fogged clarity

Seepark - Flückigersee

The bad weather comes from the right

Panorama Sunset Freiburg

Sunset Explosion

Vineyard Sky

Riegeler Lofts

height difference: 1000 meters - lost in reverie

Weideschweine / pasture pigs

Summer Hills

Sunwhisper @ Vineyard´s

Waldsee - Bootsverleih

Lake Sunset

Lake Sunset

von Fall zu Fall - Schwarzwaldtour

Kunst - Pause, Art Break

Chasing the sun

Freiburg im Breisgau

University Library Freiburg