Three Rivers Motel

My Lewis and Clark moment (take two)

DSC02995 (2) Truck Row, East End View

Coolwater Lake & Selway Bitterroot Wilderness

Idaho outhouse

1931 lookout

mountain view

Mountains over the Clearwater river

Grand Fir Mosaic view from atop Lookout Butte - Gospel and Buffalo Hump peaks

The view two

Cabin and view

Xmas 08 079

Creek falls into the Selway River

DSC02987 (2) Wilderness Rim Advt.

Clearwater River

Boykinia major, Galium sp., Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016

Coptis occidentalis Fruits

Lochsa River #2

Ancient cedar forest

on the road from Coolwater

Kids Whitewater on the Lochsa

Mitella stauropetala, Maidenhair fern stalks, Trillium ovatum, Cystopteris fragilis, Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016

Clearwater river

Viola adunca, Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016

Sedum stenopatalum, Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016

Sorbus scopulina, Mountain ash, Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016

Highway 12 across Idaho

Moss sp., Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016

Lomatium ambiguum, Canyon Creek, 04-28-2016