I wandered until the stars went dim. - 07

Love County Courthouse (Marietta, Oklahoma)

Panoramic view from Tucker Tower


An Audi Approaching

Tower in the Sun_2449-2

Lake Murray State Park, Oklahoma

Colorful Mound

20110919 006

God said he's sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for playing.

Sunrise 2

Lake Murray

Camera Roll-63

Lake Murray State Park

Storm headed to our campground!

Lake Murray Fishing Pier

I wandered until the stars went dim. - 07

2013-08-05 10.21.05

Lake Murray Fishing Pier 2

2013-08-05 10.35.58

Oklahoma countryside

2013-08-05 10.35.46

2013-08-06 20.12.33

Hickory Creek

Hidden Lake RV Park Ardmore OK (2) boost sun +