Silver-throated tanager
Another view of the old church at Copey, Dota canton. Built in the 1920s and gazeted as heritage, it was destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Another view of the old church at Copey, Dota canton. Built in the 1920s and gazeted as heritage, it was destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Vista de la iglesia de Copey de Dota, declarada patrimonio, que lastimosamente se quemó en agosto de 2017/ View of the church at Copey, Dota canton. It was a heritage-gazeted building that sorrily burned on August, 2017
Otra vista del valle del río Pirrís, entre Copey y Santa María de Dota/ Another view of the Pirrís river valley, between Copey and Santa María, Dota canton
Otra vista de una casa de campo/ Another view of a country home
Vista hacia las montañas, paisaje cultural/ View towards the mountains, cultural landscape
Otra vista del río Blanco (Pirrís), de camino a Copey/ Another view of the Blanco (Pirrís) river on the way to Copey
Vista interior de la iglesia patrimonial de Copey de Dota, destruida en un incendio en agosto del 2017/ Inside view of the old heritage church at Copey, Dota canton. It was destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Another view of the old church at Copey, Dota canton. Built in the 1920s and gazeted as heritage, it was destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Another view of the old church at Copey, Dota canton. Built in the 1920s and gazeted as heritage, it was destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Vista de la iglesia de Copey de Dota, declarada patrimonio, que lastimosamente se quemó en agosto de 2017/ View of the church at Copey, Dota canton. It was a heritage-gazeted building that sorrily burned on August, 2017
Otra vista del paisaje entre Copey y Santa María de Dota/ Another view of the landscape between Copey and Santa María, Dota canton
Vista hacia el pueblo de Trinidad de Dota/ View towards the town of Trinidad, Dota canton
And...front and last view...Iglesia de Copey, Dota, 1920s
Another view of the old church at Copey, Dota canton. Built in the 1920s and gazeted as heritage, it was destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Another view of the old church at Copey, Dota canton. Built in the 1920s and gazeted as heritage, it was destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Another view of the old church at Copey, Dota canton. Built in the 1920s and gazeted as heritage, it was destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Another view of the old church at Copey, Dota canton. Built in the 1920s and gazeted as heritage, it was destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Otra vista del río Blanco (Pirrís)/ Another view of the Blanco (Pirrís) river
Vista lateral, antigua iglesia patrimonial de Copey de Dota, destruida en un incendio en agosto de 2017/ Side view, old heritage-gazeted church at Copey, Dota canton, destroyed on a fire in August, 2017
Un riachuelo, camino a Copey/ A creek on the way to the town of Copey
Otra quebrada descendiendo de las montañas hacia el valle/ Another creek coming down of the mountains to the valley
El árbol ante el valle del río Pirrís / The tree before the Pirrís river valley
Una última foto de la catarata entre Copey y Santa María de Dota/ A last picture of the waterfall between Copey and Santa María, Dota canton
Paisaje del valle del río Pirrís, entre Copey y Santa María de Dota/ Landscape of the Pirrís river valley, between Copey and Santa María, Dota canton
Camino adentrándose en la montaña/ A road going deeper into the mountains
A ras del tronco/ Just above the trunk of a dead tree
Floración blanca/ White blossoming
Paisaje del valle entre Copey y Santa María de Dota/ Landscape on the valley between Copey and Santa María, Dota canton
Paisaje acercándonos a Copey/ Landscape nearing the town of Copey
Árbol en el paisaje/Tree in the landscape
Otra vista de la iglesia de Copey de Dota, declarada patrimonio, que lastimosamente se quemó en agosto de 2017/ Anorher view of the church at Copey, Dota canton. It was a heritage-gazeted building that sorrily burned on August, 2017
El árbol recordado de una caminata anterior, verlo me confirmó que íbamos por buen camino/ The tree that I remembered from a previous hike. Seeing it was a sign that we were on the right track
Paisaje con rojo, amarillo y toro/ Landscape with red, yellow and a bull
Follaje cerca de la catarata, entre Copey y Santa María de Dota / Foliage by the waterfall, on the road between Copey and Santa María, Dota canton
Árbol contra el cielo azul profundo, camino entre Copey y Santa María de Dota/ Tree with the backdrop of the sky, road between Copey and Santa María. Dota canton
Curvas, vista de la carretera bajando de Copey hacia Santa María de Dota/ Curves, view of the road between Copey and Santa María de Dota